Combating oil spill in Greenland © Lonnie B. Wilms
The main objective of WP4 is to improve the knowledge base for combating oil spills in icy and cold waters. It is assessed that the results from the research experiments will provide valuable information for decision makers regarding oil spill response options to include in the Net Environmental Benefit Analysis (NEBA) for oil spill response strategy and capacity building in the Arctic and Baltic Sea
Planned steps:
- Improvement of the knowledge base for combating oil spills in ice infested waters.
- Design and test of mechanical unit for removal of oil under sea ice.
- Increase knowledge on environmental fate and effects of stranded oil and shoreline cleaning by use of in situ burning and shoreline clean-up chemical agents in arctic regimes.
Work package leader:
Senior researcher, Kim Gustavson
Department of Bioscience/ DCE
Aarhus University